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Showing posts from 2012

Decadent autumn

Fall, what I consider the most decadent season of the year - at least morally speaking- is here. You know, it´s the inevitable back to school days. The migration hndres of species of the wildlife, the transition of the vegetation... and for most of us humans, time to change clothes. I tried to resist it, but honestly, there is no point! So I rather share with you, some of my favorite campaigns of this Fall 2012. Otoño decadente El otoño, la estación del año que considero la más decadente, moralmente hablando, ha llegado. El inevitable regreso a clases de muchos, la flora que cambia de color, la fauna emigra, y para gran parte de nosotros los humanos cambiamos de ropa (¡y yo digo que hasta de humor!). Me he resistido, pero no tiene caso, así que mejor les comparto las campañas, en video, Otoño2012 que más me han gustado.  Lana del Rey for H&M Totally decadent! / ¡Totalmente decadente!    Salvatore Ferragamo Kate Moss is perfect and those colors are amazing!/ L

I´m craving... Oxfords!

I'm really in the mood for buying a nice pair of shoes. I've been looking around, and it just seems that when it comes to oxford... there is many choices! Con antojo de ... Oxfords! De verdad traígo antojo de comprarme unos lindos zapatitos estilo oxford, y aun no logro decidirme. Entre más busco, ¡más estilos encuentro! De tacón, con plataforma, o hasta de plástico ¡caray! Oxfords by lucebuona featuring leather shoes Oxfords II by lucebuona featuring lace up oxfords Oxfords III by lucebuona featuring oxford shoes Have a nice weekend everyone! / ¡Buen fin de semana a todos!

Like a mermaid...

Choosing an outfit for a boat cruise event seems like the perfect timing to praise dip hem skirts! ¡Eres sirena! Eligir que ponerme para un día de crucero parece ser el momento perfecto para alabar la faldas de corte desigual o "dip hem". Boat Cruise III by lucebuona featuring a chiffon skirt Boat cruise II by lucebuona featuring long maxi skirts Boat Cruise by lucebuona featuring juicy couture jewelry Enjoy your weekend! And make the most  out of the summer! ♥ ¡Disfruten el fin de semana! Y aprovenchen el verano! ♥
